The TezerChicks Welcome You!
We couldn't pass up the oppurtunity of putting this adorable little seal on our web page. We are two girls from Baltimore who like music, animals, hanging out with friends, etc. We want to say hi to all of our friends


Steph,Abby, Brian, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dane, Danny, Blair, Brooke, Laura, Nick, Justin, and lots of other people.

As soon as Jaime gets a scanner, there will be much better pics on this web page. But for now, we hope you enjoy it!

Hey, just a little humor: A man was driving down the road and there was a road block. Police officers were walking and telling people what was going on. The police man finally got to the man and said, 'O.J. Simpson just heard the verdict and is threatening to cover himself in gasoline and burn himself to death and he said he wont have any money left and we're going around collecting donations.' The man said 'How much do you have so far?' The police man said, '10 gallons.'

In the meantime why not check out the link below to get a lot of laughs!

Let's go Orioles!
Someday, I hope to go to Hawaii...
    This past summer, I(Jaime) went to England/France with a choir I belong to. It was really fun. Again, as soon as I get a scanner, and learn html a little better, I will have a picture or two of me there.

This is an awesome Nirvana site if anybody is a Kurt fan.


Dog Pictures!
Cutie pups, and everything about them!


The Local HOBO
This is Eric's web page. It's a little weird, but very hilarious!!!

Favorite Links
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